Thursday, 29 April 2010

God or Darwin? Or both?

Why, if the Bible is the Word of God, is there such conflict between what it says and what we know from experience to be so?

On the surface, Genesis seems to say that God created everything in seven days. This gives us a dilemma. Science has ‘proved’ that the cosmos evolved over billions of years. And life itself has been evolving for millions. Those that believe the Bible is immutable find ways of reconciling this cognitive dissonance in various ways. Some deny science. Some compartmentalise science from scripture and keep both points of view as separate issues. Those that don’t ‘believe in’ the Bible, often take the easy way out and deny it all – including the possibility of God.

If we look beneath the surface – at the light behind the shadows – we find there is no such disparity, no conflict, no need to argue.
However, people still enjoy a good argument – and a bad one!
The symbology in Genesis is good news and bad news.
The good news is that Genesis 1 tells of the Creation – as a single event that occurred outside time and space. In the beginning, God created the essence of all life. Genesis 2 tells us of the evolutionary plan to manifest the created essence over time through the agency of mankind.
The bad news is that both religious doctrine and atheism are equally challenged to the core. So those attached to either are still in the same boat. They can continue to argue, while those wishing to raise their consciousness to their next level of development have a strong scriptural basis for doing so.
We can look to the Bhagavad-Gita or the Upanishads for inspiration. But the same mystical truth is also to be found hidden in our own Bible.
The keys for piercing the symbols in the Bible and unveiling the hidden secrets are revealed in my new book soon to be published: ORIGINAL HERESY - the light behind the shadows in the Bible. Follow this blog and I'll let you know when it's available.

God or Darwin? Or both?

Why, if the Bible is the Word of God, is there such conflict between what it says and what we know from experience to be so?

On the surface, Genesis seems to say that God created everything in seven days. This gives us a dilemma. Science has ‘proved’ that the cosmos evolved over billions of years. And life itself has been evolving for millions. Those that believe the Bible is immutable find ways of reconciling this cognitive dissonance in various ways. Some deny science. Some compartmentalise science from scripture and keep both points of view as separate issues. Those that don’t ‘believe in’ the Bible, often take the easy way out and deny it all – including the possibility of God.
If we look beneath the surface – at the light behind the shadows – we find there is no such disparity, no conflict, no need to argue.
However, people still enjoy a good argument – and a bad one!
The symbology in Genesis is good news and bad news.
The good news is that Genesis 1 tells of the Creation – as a single event that occurred outside time and space. In the beginning, God created the essence of all life. Genesis 2 tells us of the evolutionary plan to manifest the created essence over time through the agency of mankind.
The bad news is that both religious doctrine and atheism are equally challenged to the core. So those attached to either are still in the same boat. They can continue to argue, while those wishing to raise their consciousness to their next level of development have a strong scriptural basis for doing so.
We can look to the Bhagavad-Gita or the Upanishads for inspiration. But the same mystical truth is also to be found hidden in our own Bible.

The keys for unlocking the secret teachings in the Bible are son to be published in my ne book:

ORIGINAL HERESY - the light behind the shadows in the Bible

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

When is a day not a day? In the Bible.

Are you days and confused? Those three innocuous little letters d-a-y have probably cost the lives of thousands of heretics over the centuries - including Jesus Christ's.

The ancient superstition decreed that 'day' was a solar 24-hours. But this is a scientific and theological impossibility. Scrutinising and challenging the symbology in the Bible - and Genesis in particular - it becomes clear that each of the seven 'days' not only occured simultaneously but instantaneously outside the dimension of time and space. The first 'Day' (capital 'D' in the KJV) is even deeper. It is certain to be a reference to the True Name of God. This is as opposed to 'Night', a code name for Lucifer.

'And God called the light Day. And the darkness he called Night'.

These are nothing to do with the first sunrise, but a metaphor for the positive and negative poles of the universe that allow the energy of light to flow.

There are more Gems in Genesis than we can count when we look into the light behind the shadows in the Bible.

Monday, 26 April 2010

If you were God

Imagine you wanted to bring home a group of souls who, when you sent them on a divine learning mission, had access to all knowledge in the universe as well as awareness of their true divine nature. Originally, they knew who they really were as one with you and each other. However, they were deceived into losing nearly all of this awareness and knowledge. They now define themselves by the illusions caused by time, space, words, language and judgment. Accordingly, they feel the constant pain of separation from their true selves and each other. They are now trapped in an almost inescapable space-time matrix.
How would you communicate what happened to them and how they can get back home to you? How would you communicate the truth of a series of events and directions that only exist in a dimension without space, without time, without words, without language and without judgment to this group of beings whose apparent reality is nothing but space, time, language and judgment? What on earth would you do?
Give up? Forget about it? Declare it impossible? Lose these souls forever?
Or - construct a nexus of symbols that, on the one hand, speaks in the language of time and space that they can relate to, and at the same time points to the reality that exists beyond space and time?
If you did take this latter, more optimistic course, there would of course be risks. They might not understand it. They might spend thousands of 'years' trying to make sense of it. They might make some dreadful mistakes that drive them not back home to where they belong, but even further away into the outer regions of darkness and despair.
But if you did take this risk, if you did, through some agency, get your message written in a book - albeit at times mysterious and masked by static, what do you imagine these people might call this book? How would you begin?

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Science is not the opposite of religion

It may look as if there's a clear distinction between, say, religion and science. But rigourous scrutiny of the fundamental particles of understanding upon which they are both built reveals the same thing - belief, assumption and superstition.
When they oppose each other they both enter a denial of a higher spiritual truth neither has yet discerned. When either tries to 'explain' or embrace the other we see absurd mutations billowing from our Petri dishes.
It seems the truth cannot be put in words. We are given symbols and metaphors that we take literally at our peril. Their role is to challenge us to look within ourselves for a personal knowing we can live by.

Friday, 23 April 2010

The light behind the shadows in the Bible

It's pretty obvious there's a massive difference between the voices of God in the New Testament and the Old. Why? Surely it's the same God?
But what if it's not? What if the voice of the true God is hidden behind the voice of the 'God' in the Old Testament. Sounds heretical?
But what if part of what happened with 'Adam and Eve' was Luicifer's usurping God's voice?
There is evidence to support this in abundance when we pierce the veil of symbols that protect the truth.
It seems that Jesus came to reveal this truth - that's why they killed him. But little did they realise that by killing him, rather than a victory for Lucifer - it was his downfall. That's what Revelation reveals!

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

The Bible and the Consciousness Revolution

There's no doubt we're seeing a revolution in consciousness.
But does the Bible have a role to play in accelerating it?
At first glance - probably not. Unless our choice is to stay right where we've always been for the last six thousand years.
But what about a second glance? What about more than a mere glance? What about shining the light of spiritual intelligence deeply into the complex symbols in which it's written?
What if there's a priceless vein of gold hidden behind the shadows in the Bible? A universal, spiritual message that transcends the dogma and doctrine that's caused so much conflict and confusion for thousands of years?