If you were to take a fresh look at the Bible, you’d be in for a shock - or a surprise - depending on your current position. Hidden behind the shadows of the traditional interpretations there appears to be an ancient, parallel teaching that will liberate you from all kinds of moral tyranny spuriously imposed on the world in the name of God. God, it seems, is a cool dude after all.
But dare you? To do so behoves you to commit heresy - the most heinous of all sins and crimes. Why is heresy so cruelly punished? Because it comes from the Greek word ‘heraitikos’ meaning ‘choice’. Heresy is the ultimate freedom of choice. Hence the greatest threat to those who lust after control of our lives through fear and guilt.
Jesus Christ was guilty of heresy. And, according to God’s law, he was duly crucified for it. But, if he was the ‘son of God’, why would he be sent to violate God’s law in so flagrant a way? Did God change his mind? Get bored with the way things were shaping up? Or maybe the law of revenge is not God’s after all!
How can we doubt that God’s message is not about revenge - but forgiveness? Because when we feel hurt or violated we also feel the need to lash out and smite the perpetrator - and off we go in an endless spiral of hatred. Lead us not into temptation. But deliver us from evil. Indeed.
The trouble is, if we listen to the pundits all we have is their dilemma - enjoy 31 flavours of a very similar religious belief structure to argue over; or 31 flavours of what - humanism / science / atheism? While on their own levels these are wonderful and beautiful, spiritually, they lead us to nowhere and back again. Here we all are - reincarnated, again! Between bouts of pleasure and pain we flail around looking for purpose and meaning in symbols of success and love.
So can a fresh look at the Bible help? Absolutely. If released into the cultural atmosphere, it will begin to upgrade our operating system. Not an easy task. It means being willing to transcend six thousand years of programming and fear. Fear of heresy - everything from torture and death to rejection by loved-ones, family, race and nation.
Many people are not ready for this - and that’s totally OK. Some people really do need to be told what to think and do. Heresy can pose a real threat. But many are safe and ready enough to commit outrageous acts of heresy - to think and act from your own heart, your own centre of natural knowing and courage.
Where do we begin? In the beginning? Genesis? OK, but how? Maybe begin by asking questions that come from a different mind-set that challenge traditional assumptions. Like, why would the word of God be at such loggerheads with the intellect of man and our scientific discoveries? Why would an all-powerful, unconditionally-loving God promise the same land to two opposing nations and not deliver it without the price of constant hatred and war? When belief is such a capricious quality, why would this same God wish to exclude from ‘heaven’ anyone who does not believe in Jesus?
Even better - how does the word of God support man’s evolving consciousness and knowledge? What really is the ‘promised land’ if it’s not the Gaza strip? What is the real pathway to salvation - how can we really stop suffering and enjoy life a whole lot more? Isn’t this what we want religion and science to deliver?
These are the questions that are answered - not by the surface structure and traditional beliefs about what Genesis means - but by viewing the same words as symbols for a whole different meaning.
Sometimes, fathoming the symbology is pretty obvious. For example, all it takes is a small shift in perspective to see ‘the promised land’ as a symbol for ‘the Kingdom of God’, our spiritual home - not any physical location. At a stroke we can now bring peace to the Middle East! No longer is anyone denied right of ownership - unless the waters are muddied by yet another layer of erroneous belief.
More often, the logic, reasoning, intuition and evidence for new meaning takes a lot of focus and involves mortal combat with inner demons. For example, researching and unravelling the myriad symbols in the first so-called ‘day’ of Genesis is not only mind-blowing but also seminal to unlocking the symbology throughout the entire Old and New Testaments. A worthwhile investment to those who really do seek a higher truth.
A quick taste? Genesis 1:2 says, ‘And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was over the face of the deep…’ To me this is symbology and metaphor at its zenith. Part of ‘why we’re here’, surely, is to figure things out, to be pressed to look within and thereby evolve. To me, this passage says the entire creation (heaven and earth) was still just an essence, no space, no time - like an idea. Even God, the creator did not know what its potential might be. That’s the ‘darkness’. That’s why in the next verse God declares his immortal intent ‘Let there be light.’ - let there be knowledge, let me know who I really am and what my possibility is. Then in Genesis 2, it talks symbolically about the evolution of the essence and how his original intention seems to have been betrayed by his trusted servant.
Because we are made in God’s image (a symbol for intention!), God’s purpose through us burns a hole in our hearts until, regardless of religious belief or not, we begin to move on it by asking - Who am I really? What do I really want? How can I be more true to myself?
Want more? Look within. www.smashwords.com/books/view/14175
But dare you? To do so behoves you to commit heresy - the most heinous of all sins and crimes. Why is heresy so cruelly punished? Because it comes from the Greek word ‘heraitikos’ meaning ‘choice’. Heresy is the ultimate freedom of choice. Hence the greatest threat to those who lust after control of our lives through fear and guilt.
Jesus Christ was guilty of heresy. And, according to God’s law, he was duly crucified for it. But, if he was the ‘son of God’, why would he be sent to violate God’s law in so flagrant a way? Did God change his mind? Get bored with the way things were shaping up? Or maybe the law of revenge is not God’s after all!
How can we doubt that God’s message is not about revenge - but forgiveness? Because when we feel hurt or violated we also feel the need to lash out and smite the perpetrator - and off we go in an endless spiral of hatred. Lead us not into temptation. But deliver us from evil. Indeed.
The trouble is, if we listen to the pundits all we have is their dilemma - enjoy 31 flavours of a very similar religious belief structure to argue over; or 31 flavours of what - humanism / science / atheism? While on their own levels these are wonderful and beautiful, spiritually, they lead us to nowhere and back again. Here we all are - reincarnated, again! Between bouts of pleasure and pain we flail around looking for purpose and meaning in symbols of success and love.
So can a fresh look at the Bible help? Absolutely. If released into the cultural atmosphere, it will begin to upgrade our operating system. Not an easy task. It means being willing to transcend six thousand years of programming and fear. Fear of heresy - everything from torture and death to rejection by loved-ones, family, race and nation.
Many people are not ready for this - and that’s totally OK. Some people really do need to be told what to think and do. Heresy can pose a real threat. But many are safe and ready enough to commit outrageous acts of heresy - to think and act from your own heart, your own centre of natural knowing and courage.
Where do we begin? In the beginning? Genesis? OK, but how? Maybe begin by asking questions that come from a different mind-set that challenge traditional assumptions. Like, why would the word of God be at such loggerheads with the intellect of man and our scientific discoveries? Why would an all-powerful, unconditionally-loving God promise the same land to two opposing nations and not deliver it without the price of constant hatred and war? When belief is such a capricious quality, why would this same God wish to exclude from ‘heaven’ anyone who does not believe in Jesus?
Even better - how does the word of God support man’s evolving consciousness and knowledge? What really is the ‘promised land’ if it’s not the Gaza strip? What is the real pathway to salvation - how can we really stop suffering and enjoy life a whole lot more? Isn’t this what we want religion and science to deliver?
These are the questions that are answered - not by the surface structure and traditional beliefs about what Genesis means - but by viewing the same words as symbols for a whole different meaning.
Sometimes, fathoming the symbology is pretty obvious. For example, all it takes is a small shift in perspective to see ‘the promised land’ as a symbol for ‘the Kingdom of God’, our spiritual home - not any physical location. At a stroke we can now bring peace to the Middle East! No longer is anyone denied right of ownership - unless the waters are muddied by yet another layer of erroneous belief.
More often, the logic, reasoning, intuition and evidence for new meaning takes a lot of focus and involves mortal combat with inner demons. For example, researching and unravelling the myriad symbols in the first so-called ‘day’ of Genesis is not only mind-blowing but also seminal to unlocking the symbology throughout the entire Old and New Testaments. A worthwhile investment to those who really do seek a higher truth.
A quick taste? Genesis 1:2 says, ‘And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was over the face of the deep…’ To me this is symbology and metaphor at its zenith. Part of ‘why we’re here’, surely, is to figure things out, to be pressed to look within and thereby evolve. To me, this passage says the entire creation (heaven and earth) was still just an essence, no space, no time - like an idea. Even God, the creator did not know what its potential might be. That’s the ‘darkness’. That’s why in the next verse God declares his immortal intent ‘Let there be light.’ - let there be knowledge, let me know who I really am and what my possibility is. Then in Genesis 2, it talks symbolically about the evolution of the essence and how his original intention seems to have been betrayed by his trusted servant.
Because we are made in God’s image (a symbol for intention!), God’s purpose through us burns a hole in our hearts until, regardless of religious belief or not, we begin to move on it by asking - Who am I really? What do I really want? How can I be more true to myself?
Want more? Look within. www.smashwords.com/books/view/14175
Humans gave God human traits - that's where the problems started. Giving God human traits gives humanity a reason to control others, to keep people in fear, suggesting that God will punish and/or not love us because we didn't please him.
ReplyDeleteGod's image.. I've always seen each person, each soul as part of the spark.. the spark from the source. In that respect we are made in his image because we are him/her.